Manju Pillai, director (auctions) at the Tobacco Board of India, has said that Karnataka’s flue-cured production during the 2012-13 season is expected to be about 100 million kg, down from 127 million kg during 2011-12 because of erratic rainfall, according to a story in the Hindu relayed by the TMA.
At the same time, the average price of flue-cured has risen from Rs104 per kg last season to Rs120.60 per kg this season, and Pillai believes that prices could go higher due to strong demand for Indian leaf in the face of a supply shortage in the global market.
Meanwhile, G. Kamalavardhana Rao, chairman of the Board, said on November 2 that electronic auctions had been introduced at three auction platforms in Karnataka’sMysoredistrict.
Rao said e-auctions would ensure transparency and guarantee fair prices for growers.