Parkside secure waste system guards against illicit trade

Keen to improve its environmental credentials, Parkside Flexibles has invested in a secure waste management system. The investment will also help protect tobacco customers’ businesses from illicit trade by ensuring any sensitive waste generated is destroyed on site.

Roydon Group has installed and commissioned a shredding and compacting system at Parkside Flexibles Normanton, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. As a result, all materials leave the company’s premises in a format that offers Parkside Flexible and its clients full security for all printed products.

The system is designed to handle the two types of material produced by Parkside—laminated plastic specifications and paper products. Once processed, both products are either sent for recycling or to a waste-to-energy plant to be used as a fuel in the production of renewable energy.

The system ensures that all waste is destroyed, with the residual products being either recycled or burnt for energy, providing a totally secure zero-to-landfill system.