JT’s domestic volumes trending upwards

Japan Tobacco Inc’s domestic cigarette sales volume during October, at 10.0 billion, was up by 4.2 per cent on its October 2011 volume, 9.6 billion, which itself was increased by 160.4 per cent on that of October 2010, according to preliminary figures issued by the company today.

Volume during the seven months, April-October, at 69.5 billion, was up by 15.0 per cent on its April-October 2011 volume, 60.5 billion, which was down by 33.0 per cent on that of April-October 2010.

JT’s market share for April-October 2012 was 59.5 per cent, against 54.9 per cent for the full year to the end of March.

JT has suffered huge volume swings in recent times because of an unprecedented, mainly tax-driven price hike on October 1, 2010, and the massive disruption caused to the company’s manufacturing and distribution operations following the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 last year.

JT’s domestic cigarette revenue during October, at ¥54.8 billion, was up by 4.1 per cent on its October 2011 revenue, ¥52.7 billion, which was up by 157.4 per cent on that of October 2010.

Revenue during April-October, at ¥382.8 billion, was up by 15.3 per cent on its revenue during April-October 2011, ¥332.1 billion, which was down by 10.6 per cent on that of April-October 2010.