Health minister promises a reasoned approach to electronic cigarettes

Malaysia is due to carry out a detailed study to determine the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes in reducing tobacco smoking addiction, according to a story in The Star quoting the Health Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

Such a move will be welcomed by some elements of the tobacco control community who believe that electronic cigarettes offer the most potential for weaning smokers from traditional cigarettes.

And it will be seen as a progressive move in contrast to the bans being imposed and proposed in some other countries.

Liow had been asked to comment on a statement by Sarawak health director, Datuk Dr Zulkifli Jantan, that selling, distributing and storing electronic cigarettes were offences under the Poisons Act 1952 and the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984.

Liow said there was currently no control over the sale of electronic cigarettes in the country since they were meant to reduce smoking addiction.

However, he said liquid nicotine was listed under the Poisons Act 1952 and it could be sold only through licensed pharmacists and registered medical practitioners.