Media urged to reduce tobacco advertising in Indonesia

Indonesia’s Health Minister, Nafsiah Mboi, has urged the media to take a greater role in the fight against tobacco by reducing cigarette advertisements, according to a story in The Jakarta Post.

Speaking during an editors’ forum in Jakarta yesterday, Nafsiah said that the media could prevent tobacco use, particularly among young people, by limiting such advertisements.

“Tobacco advertisements, including the ones in mass media, influence people to smoke,” said Nafsiah. “For the sake of the next generation, we urge you to limit it.”

It was not clear why the minister was appealing to the media rather than proposing further regulations.

Government regulations already restrict tobacco advertising. While tobacco companies may still advertise their products in outdoor places, for instance, the advertisements may not exceed 72 square meters in size.

Television stations are allowed to air cigarette advertisements, but only after 21.30 hours and before 05.00 hours.

And the print media are not allowed to place tobacco advertisements on their front pages.