Imperial Tobacco employees are due to test their fitness levels in a contest to encourage improved health and well being.
Around 16 teams from the company’s operations in Australia, France, Poland, Spain and the UK have signed up for the 2013 Global Corporate Challenge.
‘Evidence shows that, as well as helping to keep fit, exercise reduces stress and improves productivity,’ Imperial said in a note posted on its website.
During the six month challenge, which starts in May, each participant will carry a pedometer to measure their daily exercise rates.
The results should be impressive. When almost 50 people from Imperial’s Nottingham, UK, site took part in a similar event last year they clocked up the equivalent of more than 87 million steps.
“This challenge proved such a success that we invited others to join in this time,” said David Barber, occupational health adviser in the UK.
“People are often surprised at how much exercise they get in a working day. The aim is to encourage them to do more, such as using the stairs instead of the lift.”