Lung groups call for Sweden to quit smoking, but not snus, by 2025

Sweden should follow New Zealand’s declared intention of phasing out smoking completely by 2025, according to a story in The Local quoting the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper.

In an opinion piece published in the DN, four authors representing lung cancer groups in Sweden argued that a total ban on smoking would ‘prevent many human tragedies’ associated with smoking tobacco products.

‘We therefore urge the Riksdag to implement a decision that totally bans smoking from 2025 and works toward a gradual phase-out until then,’ wrote Ola Brodin, of the Swedish Lung Cancer Study Group; Tommy Björk, of the lung cancer patient advocacy group, Stödet (support); Gunnar Wagenius, of the Swedish Cancer Society’s (Cancerfonden) lung cancer planning group; and Roger Henriksson, of the Swedish Association of Oncologists (Svensk onkologisk förening).

‘Thereafter it should no longer be legal to import, distribute, or sell cigarettes or other tobacco products meant for smoking.’

However, the authors stopped short of advocating a ban on all tobacco products, saying that prohibiting smokeless tobacco such as Swedish snus would go too far.

The authors suggested a number of measures to reduce smoking in the lead up to the 2025 ban including the imposition of standardized packs with prominent anti-smoking warnings and free programs to help people quit smoking.

Another suggestion was to limit where cigarettes could be sold to pharmacies, so as to encourage smokers to switch to other forms of nicotine.