The deputy governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, has said that the Jakarta Health Card will not be available to people who do not take care of their health, according to a Tempo Magazine story.
Exclusion from the free health care program will be made on the grounds, for instance, of smoking, drinking alcohol and riding motorcycles without a helmet.
“We can come up with a policy that will not cover your expenses if you do not take responsibility for your own [health],” said Basuki.
As part of the program, family doctors will make house visits to study people’s lifestyles.
“Doctors can make recommendations about lifestyle choices so that we’ll know who to educate,” said Basuki.
Meanwhile, according to an official announcement, the Jakarta Provincial Government is to crack down on the issue of Jakarta Smart Cards for underprivileged students.
As well as checking on students’ academic achievements, Basuki said, they would be monitored for their behaviour.
Students who smoked or used smart phones would have their cards revoked.