India’s growers asked to stick to quotas

Tobacco growers in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have been asked to comply with flue-cured crop targets so as to ensure good prices at auction, according to a story in the latest issue of the BBM Bommidala Group newsletter.

The Tobacco Board of India chairman, K. Gopal, said growers should exercise discipline in sticking to the flue-cured quotas of 102 million kg for Karnataka and 172 million kg for Andhra Pradesh.

“It is of the essence that the crop in the principal states should not exceed 270-275 million kg,” he said.

“Then farmers can expect remunerative prices on the floor.

“The trade should also support the farmers,” he added.

Over-production of flue-cured has been endemic in the two states, where farmers are generally financially impoverished and the opportunity to earn extra cash from tobacco is irresistible.

Meanwhile, two more auction platforms are being built in Karnataka and one more in Andhra Pradesh.