Anti-tobacco law implementation delayed

Delays in finalizing the Rules associated with Bangladesh’s 2013 anti-smoking law are holding up full implementation of the law, according to a story in The Financial Express.

The Smoking and Use of Tobacco Product (Control) Rules were drafted by the Health Ministry in November last year but had to be amended following scrutiny by government lawyers.

The continuing delay seems to be associated with a demarcation dispute involving the ministries of health and law and concerning whether tobacco manufacturers should be given nine months (health ministry) or 18 months (law ministry) to incorporate graphic warnings on to their packs.

In the meantime it is not possible to implement fully the Smoking and Use of Tobacco Product (Control) (amendment) Act 2013 because of the absence of the Rules, which define certain of the provisions in the primary legislation, including technical matters to do with the graphic health warnings and the extent of public places.