Trademark dispute e-liquids destroyed

Japan Tobacco International has halted its legal proceedings against Healthier Smoker (HS) after HS’ liquidator agreed on Tuesday to destroy all products and materials within its control that infringe JTI’s property rights, according to a story by Tom Lyons for the Irish Times.

Darren Flanagan, an accountant with DMFN Chartered Accountants, was appointed liquidator of HS on August 29 shortly before JTI was due to begin legal proceedings seeking to stop HS allegedly breaching JTI’s trademarks.

JTI manufactures, among other brands, Silk Cut, Mayfair, Camel and Benson & Hedges cigarettes, while HS made liquids used in e-cigarettes under names including Purple Silk, Calm Desert Brand, Kamel Blend and Myfair E-juice.

In the High Court on Tuesday, HS’ liquidator said he had destroyed all offending stock in his possession and was working to reclaim and destroy stock in retail outlets.

Flanagan told The Irish Times he was in talks with a third party to sell it the assets of HS.