India’s prices up on those of last year

Flue-cured tobacco auctions in Andhra Pradesh, India, are nearing completion with about 213.21 million kg sold for an average price of Rs116.29 per kg, according to a story in the most recent issue of the BBM Bommidala Group newsletter.

Prices last year averaged Rs113.80 per kg.

This year, bright leaf grades accounted for 47.6 percent of total sales, with 100.50 million kg fetching an average of Rs124.83 per kg.

Medium grades, at 35.90 percent of the total, earned an average of Rs119.93 per kg, while low grades fetched an average of Rs87.44 per kg.

Growers this year produced more than 40 million kg in excess of the Tobacco Board’s authorized crop size of 172 million kg.

Meanwhile, flue-cured auctions got off to a good start in Karnataka earlier this month with growers confident of earning more than they earned last year.

Growers are said to have harvested a good-quality crop despite a dry spell followed by prolonged rain.

The opening day’s prices reached Rs151.00 per kg, higher than the opening Rs150.20 per kg of last year and setting a first-day record.

Karnataka, which was authorized to grow 104 million kg, is thought to have produced 100-105 million kg.