‘Blatant lack of transparency’ at COP6

Yesterday in Moscow the public was forced to leave the public gallery and prevented from observing the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP6) to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), according to a note posted on Japan Tobacco International’s website.

“Hidden agendas corrupt policy-making processes”, said Michiel Reerink, global regulatory strategy vice president at JTI.

“Today’s decision to shut out legitimate businesses, expert groups and some media representatives from debates that affect their industry and areas of expertise demonstrates a blatant lack of transparency, accountability and integrity.

“The FCTC just broke its own rules under the cover of Article 5.3, which is now commonly used as an excuse to shut out the tobacco sector and anyone who is perceived to be linked to us.

“In the meantime, COP is again hijacked by tobacco control lobbyists who freely exercise undue influence.

“We urge the FCTC to take every remaining opportunity to fix this broken process and to respect rules of good governance, rather than institutionalizing a policy of closed doors”, Reerink said.