Trade agreement in need of health check

Health professionals say a comprehensive health impact assessment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement must be carried out to protect the health of New Zealanders, according to a story in Scoop.

The health professionals say leaked information suggests international big business, such as the tobacco and alcohol industries, could sue the New Zealand government if it puts health-based policies in place that threaten these industries’ profits.

And clauses designed to protect the intellectual property rights of the pharmaceutical industry would make medicines more expensive in New Zealand by preventing PHARMAC from purchasing cheaper generic drugs.

Members of ten health organizations are calling on Trade Minister Tim Groser to bring in health experts to give the proposed TPP an independent and comprehensive health check-up.

In an article in NZ Doctor published online the health experts say the health-check results should be made public for full discussion, well before New Zealand commits to the trade deal.

“The negotiations are all being carried out in secret, and the little that has leaked out is very worrying,” says Dr Joshua Freeman, a spokesperson for the health organizations.