Modest price rise for Japan’s growers

Japan’s Leaf Tobacco Deliberative Council today announced the area on which domestic leaf would be grown next year and the prices that would be paid to farmers.

In a note posted on its website, Japan Tobacco Inc. said the council had been in general agreement with a proposal put forward by JT earlier in the day and had determined that the domestic tobacco cultivation area should be set at 8,662 ha, down by 2.7 percent on that of 2014, (8,901 ha).

Flue-cured will be grown on 5,679 ha in 2015 (5,761 ha in 2014), Burley will be grown on 2,975 ha (3,116 ha) and local leaf varieties will be grown on eight ha (24 ha).

Meanwhile, grower prices will be set at ¥1,920.1 per kg, an increase of 0.71 percent on those of this year.