The average grower price for Zimbabwe flue-cured so far this season is down by 7.5 percent on that at the corresponding point of the 2014 season, according to a story by Munesu Nyakudya relayed by the TMA and quoting Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) figures.
So far, growers have sold 178.9 million kg of flue-cured for US$525.9 million; or an average price of US$2.94 per kg.
At the same point of last season they had sold 196.6 million kg of flue-cured for US625.1 million; or an average price of US$3.18 per kg.
Flue-cured has been in oversupply recently; so it has been a buyers’ market in Zimbabwe and elsewhere.
Growers in Andhra Pradesh, India, have been having a hard time selling their tobacco at all.