CORESTA documents available for download

The CORESTA Secretariat said yesterday that the following documents had been published and could be downloaded from:

  • PTM SG CTR “2015 Proficiency Test Report – The Measurement of Diffusion Capacity of Cigarette Papers” (2015-09-17).
  • STS SG CTR “Proficiency Test Report – The Determination of Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel, Lead, and Selenium in Reference Materials” (2015-09-29).
  • IVT SG CTR “Neutral Red Uptake Assay Proficiency Study 2014” (2015-11-13).
  • STS SG CTR “CORESTA Reference Products 2015 Analysis” (2015-12-10).

Meanwhile, the CORESTA Sub-Group and Task Force reports presented at the SSPT2015 and AP2015 Joint Study Group meetings held in Jeju, South Korea, and Izmir, Turkey, respectively, have been published and are available on the individual group pages of the CORESTA website:

In addition, the following CORESTA Recommended Methods (CRM) have entered the ISO Standards process:

  • CRM 70 – Determination of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds in the Mainstream Smoke of Cigarettes – Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method.
  • CRM 74 – Determination of Selected Carbonyls in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
  • CRM 75 – Determination of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke by LC-MS/MS.
  • CRM 79 – Determination of Ammonia in Tobacco and Tobacco Products by Ion Chromatographic Analysis.
  • CRM 81 – Routine Analytical Machine for E-Cigarette Aerosol Generation and Collection – Definitions and Standard Conditions.