Securing water supplies in Brazil

A scheme to maintain drinking water supplies in Brazil that is backed by Imperial Brands’ Altadis Foundation, has been adopted as a long-term strategy for the country’s southern regions.

‘The pioneering “Water Guardian” project, launched in 2011 with Universal Leaf and the University of Santa Cruz do Sul, supplies 70 percent of the water for communities in southern Brazil,’ Imperial said in a note posted on its website.

‘The scheme designates local farmers as Water Protection Agents and then offers them support to ensure an on-going, high-quality, sustainable water supply.

‘It has proved so successful that the participants have been offered tax incentives by the local authorities to ensure the long-term future of the project.

‘Brazil’s National Water Agency has also awarded the project a quality certificate allowing grants to be awarded for further improvement.’

Ines Cassin, general manager of the Altadis Foundation, was quoted as saying his organization was proud to be involved in securing the future of the ‘Water Guardian’ project because the preservation of a good water supply was essential for present and future generations in Brazil.

“This project has also highlighted the importance of working with local authorities to improve the quality of life for communities and sustain their environments,” said Cassin.