Tobacco smoking rooms revisited

More than half of adults living in Scotland think pubs and private members’ clubs, including working men’s clubs, should be allowed to provide well-ventilated, designated smoking rooms to accommodate smokers.

A Populus survey of more than 1,000 adults living in Scotland found that 54 percent of them would allow smoking rooms, while 40 percent opposed the idea.

Forty-nine percent of non-smokers said there should be an option for indoor smoking rooms.

Women (54 percent) were equally as likely as men (55 percent) to think pubs and clubs should be allowed to accommodate smokers in designated smoking rooms.

Forty-one percent of women and 38 percent of men thought smoking rooms should not be allowed in pubs and clubs.

The poll was conducted last week ahead of the tenth anniversary of the smoking ban on March 26.

“Politicians like to claim the smoking ban has been a huge popular success,” said Simon Clark, director of the smokers’ group Forest, which commissioned the poll. “This poll suggests they are out of touch with many ordinary people.

“While most people understandably prefer to work and socialise in a smoke free environment, a majority of adults in Scotland seem willing to compromise, unlike our elected representatives.

“Designated smoking rooms offer a third way. Those who don’t want to be exposed to tobacco smoke would continue to be protected but it would give adults who choose to smoke somewhere to light up indoors, in comfort.

“No pub or club would be compelled to provide a smoking room. The owner or club members would choose.

“The fact that so many people support designated smoking rooms, ten years after the smoking ban was introduced, shows that this issue will not go away.

“Tobacco is a legal product. One million adults in Scotland smoke. Between them they contribute over £2 billion a year in tobacco tax, a sum that far outweighs the alleged cost of treating smoking related diseases.

“In view of this survey, designated smoking rooms should be considered as a serious policy option by every party in Scotland ahead of the May election.”

Meanwhile, Paul Waterson, chief executive of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, said that pubs had never fully recovered from the ban.

“We could never go back to the way it was before, we’re not suggesting that, but ventilation systems were very good then and they’re even better now,” he said.

“Perhaps there is some room for relaxation.”