Many smokers using e-cigs to quit

The group scientific and R&D director at British American Tobacco, David O’Reilly, has said that the finding of a BMJ report that large numbers of people are successfully using electronic cigarettes to give up smoking was encouraging, given that BAT was trying to build the category.

“The study illustrates a clear surge in e-cigarette usage in effective attempts to quit smoking, which shows a positive trend in the adoption of e-cigarettes as alternatives to cigarettes,” said O’Reilly.

“We have been researching and developing tobacco alternatives for decades to provide better and safer choices for consumers, and in the last decade in particular, e-cigarettes.

“Another element that could be explored beyond this study is how innovation in the e-cigarette category may have added to this adoption. The product quality, partly enabled by the evolution of technology and innovation, has ensured that adult smokers now have access to products that provide a more satisfying experience in their transition from conventional cigarettes.

“It is only with assurances around product quality and safety that this important emerging product category can continue to grow.

“We invest heavily in our product stewardship so consumers of our vapour brand, Vype, not only get what we believe to be a satisfying reduced harm alternative but also receive the assurances around product quality that they are telling us they want.”

The BMJ study, Association between electronic cigarette use and changes in quit attempts, success of quit attempts, use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and use of stop smoking services in England: time series analysis of population trends, is at: