Japan’s domestic leaf uncontaminated

Japan Tobacco Inc. said on Friday that pre-purchase radioactive-materials tests on this year’s domestic Burley crop had shown that none of the leaf tested exceeded the JT standard value (Radioactive cesium: 100Bq/kg).

The company has now completed its pre-purchase testing for radioactive materials on this year’s Japanese domestic leaf tobacco crop

JT has been conducting pre-purchase and a number of other tests at each stage of its production processes for radioactive materials in Japanese domestic leaf tobacco, using a standard value, since the accident at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011. The company said that prior to this year’s tobacco harvest, it had again been conducting radioactive materials testing on leaf tobacco before purchase, with the support of tobacco growers. ‘Furthermore, JT will continue with its scheme of testing domestic leaf tobacco after purchase, and testing and monitoring a number of times at each stage of the production process,’ it said.