• July 26, 2024

Second warnings warning

 Second warnings warning

Cambodia’s Health Minister Mam Bunheng has issued a second warning to tobacco companies not complying with regulations requiring that graphic health warnings are included on all cigarette packs, according to a story in the The Phnom Penh Post.

The January 16 warning followed one issued in early October prompted by companies’ low compliance with the health-warnings sub-decree that went into effect in July.

Under the rules, graphic images must cover 50 percent of cigarette packs, while a written message in Khmer must cover another five percent.

As part of his January warning, Bunheng threatened to take legal action against those not in compliance with the health-warning requirements.

Those found violating the rules are subject to fines of about $1,000 in the case of tobacco companies, $500 in the case of distributors and wholesalers, and $2.50 in respect of retailers.

Bunheng said companies were still flouting the regulations and that there would be no third warning.