GFN program complete

The organizers of the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) have said that the program for the 2017 event is complete.

The GFN is due to be held at the Marriott Centrum Hotel, Warsaw, Poland, on June 15-17.

The main GFN program, which is scheduled for June 16 and 17, will examine the rapidly developing science in relation to nicotine use and the changing landscape, including policy responses and the influence of different stakeholders in this.

The program will comprise plenary sessions, symposia, panel discussions and poster presentations – including video posters.

June 15 is scheduled to include the Michael Russell oration, and satellite and side meetings, including one for consumers organised by the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations.

It will include, too, the first International Symposium on Nicotine Technology designed to showcase the latest technological advances in alternative nicotine delivery systems, next generation devices and the science behind them (

The program is at:

The speakers and chairpersons are at: