Quit aids failing smokers

A new study by researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine suggests that, despite promising results in clinical trials, smoking cessation drugs alone might not be improving the chances of successful quitting among smokers in general, according to a story on medicalxpress.com.

“Thirty-four percent of people who are trying to quit smoking use pharmaceutical aids and yet most are not successful,” said senior study author John P. Pierce, PhD, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UC San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center.

“The results of randomized trials that tested these interventional drugs showed the promise of doubling cessation rates, but that has not translated into the real world.”

The study, published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on December 21, assessed the effectiveness of three first-line medications recommended by clinical practice guidelines: varenicline, bupropion and nicotine replacement therapy (patch).

The data was collected from the Current Population Survey – Tobacco Use Supplement – a US Census survey of adults 18 years or older conducted to obtain information about the country’s use of tobacco products.

The Medical Express story is at: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-12-medications-dont-smokers.html.