Regulatory board closing

Turkey’s Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages Market Regulation Board (TAPDK) is being closed, according to a story in The Hurriyet Daily News.

The closure follows the introduction by the government of a number of key revisions to its economic management strategy that has involved, in part, the shutting of regulatory and supervisory bodies that had overseen the tobacco and sugar industries.

The changes were announced in an emergency decree published in the Official Gazette on December 24.

TAPDK had responsibility for the registration, authorization and regulatory systems in respect of tobacco, tobacco products, alcohol and liquor.

It was responsible for issuing regulations aimed at avoiding medical and social harms associated with tobacco and alcohol consumption.

And it was responsible for the implementation of guidelines aimed at the enforcement of laws.

TAPDK’s duties have been transferred to the Health Ministry and the Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry.