Scholarships on offer
Knowledge Action Change (KAC) and the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) have launched the 2018 Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme.
In announcing the inaugural program, the GFN organizers said they wanted people to learn from the GFN and have the opportunity to implement that learning in their home countries.
Fifteen scholarships will be offered during the year, with funds available to support agreed projects up to the value of $7,500.
The scholarships will start at the GFN conference on June 13. The conference is scheduled to be held at the Marriott Hotel, Warsaw, Poland, on June 14-16.
The organizers say that the scholarships are intended to:
- build research capacity in the field of tobacco harm reduction;
- develop the evidence base;
- raise awareness of research and its implications for public health policy;
- enable consumers to make more informed personal health choices;
- improve the implementation and understanding of tobacco harm reduction.
Applications are invited from people with an interest in tobacco harm reduction; such as:
- people intending to enter the field of research into tobacco harm reduction and/or public health;
- students
- researchers and scientists
- medical professionals
- writers
- Internet and social media professionals.
More information is at: