Time to register

Abstracts for oral presentations at the 2019 Global Forum on Nicotine should be submitted by February 10, while those for poster presentation should be submitted by March 31, the organizers have advised.
Abstracts should be submitted online at: https://gfn.net.co/2019/programme/gfn19-programme-and-abstracts.
The conference, whose theme is, It’s time to talk about nicotine, will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Warsaw, Poland, on June 13-15.
It is due to include plenary sessions, symposia, panel discussions, poster presentations, and satellite sessions.
In an earlier announcement, the organizers said the program committee would use selected abstracts to construct themed sessions.
Authors, they said, would be informed if their abstracts had been accepted before the posting of the near-final program by April 22.
Meanwhile, participants have until December 31 to register for the 2019 conference at the same fee as they paid for attending the 2018 conference.