• July 26, 2024

Equal salary certification

 Equal salary certification

Japan Tobacco International’s headquarters is the first Geneva-based multinational headquarters to be certified as an equal salary employer by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization specialized in equal pay among women and men, according to a note posted on JTI’s website.

“We are delighted that our commitment to pay all our employees fairly is now recognized and endorsed by the independent EQUAL-SALARY Foundation,” said Guergana Andreeva, global talent management vice president.

“Gender pay equity is essential to us. It establishes a culture of trust within our organization, and is a key asset in the recruitment of future talent.

“We strongly believe in the importance of embedding diversity and inclusion in our practices, of which equal pay is only one component.”

‘The Foundation’s EQUAL-SALARY methodology was designed to allow companies to address any gaps and ensure all employees are paid equivalently for the same work,’ JTI said in its note.

‘This certification follows an independent audit process, which occurs in several stages, including a review of employee pay data, the company’s remuneration strategy, as well as focus groups and surveys amongst randomly selected employees.’