E-cigs lumped with tobacco

The Belarusian president has signed a decree that lumps electronic-cigarette and heat-not-burn products into the same legislative framework as that covering traditional tobacco products, according to a Belarusian Telegraph Agency story.

Under the decree, only economic entities of Belarus will have the right to engage in activities related to the production and sale of ‘systems for tobacco use, smoking electronic systems and liquids for them’.

The decree imposes a ban on the open display of e-liquids in shop windows and on other points-of-sale equipment.

It places restrictions on the places where electronic-cigarette and heat-not-burn products may be sold or consumed.

And it bans the advertising of these products and their sale to minors.

Finally, the decree extends the list of places where smoking is completely prohibited to include common areas of residential buildings, elevators, cars carrying children up to 14, children’s playgrounds, sports camps, education institutions, underground crossings, public transport stops.