Teen use ‘unintended’

Juul co-founder James Monsees testified before the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee last week and said his company never intended its electronic cigarettes to be adopted by underage teenagers.

“Juul Labs isn’t big tobacco,” Monsees told the House subcommittee, adding that “combating underage use” is the company’s highest priority.

The two hearings convened last week after launching an investigation last month into Juul’s marketing, technology and business practices.

During his testimony, Monsees reiterated past steps taken by Juul, including shutting down its Facebook and Instagram pages and pulling several of its flavored pods out of retail stores to keep Juul out of the hands of teens. Monsees said he understands the negative scrutiny of his company, but assured lawmakers Juul’s aim is to “eliminate cigarettes for good.”