• July 26, 2024

U.K. Smoking Rates up Amid Lockdowns

 U.K. Smoking Rates up Amid Lockdowns
Photo: Taco Tuinstra

Since the start of the coronavirus-related lockdowns, more people in the U.K. are smoking, according to a recent study. About 2.2 million people are smoking more than usual, according to the study, while 4.8 million are smoking the same amount and 1.9 million have decreased the amount they smoke.

Stress and anxiety related to the lockdowns have been the main cause of the rise in smoking rates along with smoking being used as an excuse to go outside. The freedoms that come with working from home have also aided in the rise.

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has accused the government of taking too long to make a decision over the release of funding meant for a “quit smoking for coronavirus” campaign, which the group feels would help lower the smoking rates.