Juul Campaigns Against Counterfeit Products

Juul starter kit
Juul starter kit
Photo: Juul

Over the coming weeks, Juul Labs will be filing trademark infringement lawsuits against approximately 20 retailers that the company has identified as some of the worst offenders in the United States.

According to Juul Labs, the defendants targeted in these cases are retail outlets that refused to stop selling counterfeit Juul products even after Juul Labs verified their illicit activities, demanded they stop, and served them with cease and desist notices.

Juul Labs has already filed six trademark infringement actions in several states across the U.S. as part of its global enforcement program directed at disrupting the illicit trade of black-market vapor products.

According to Juul, such products circumvent federal and state laws, can present additional health and safety risks to adult consumers, and undercut underage-prevention measures.

“Through robust enforcement, Juul Labs aims to help create a more responsible marketplace for current adult users while addressing underage use,” the company wrote in a statement.