Most of the 15 largest tobacco companies are not making substantial progress in advancing harm reduction, according to The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW).
According to the foundation’s first Tobacco Transformation Index, some companies have made public commitments—backed by significant investments—to harm reduction, but many companies have not made these commitments. Committing to and implementing harm reduction and cessation strategies could help reduce tobacco-related deaths in the next two decades, according to the FSFW.
“The Tobacco Transformation Index is the first index to rank the world’s largest 15 tobacco companies on their relative performance, commitment and transparency to deliver material progress in supporting tobacco harm reduction,” according to a press release. The index assesses the companies’ strategy and management, product sales, capital allocation, product offer, marketing, and lobbying and advocacy from 2017 to 2019.
Swedish Match is ranked in first position. Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Altria, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco, KT&G, ITC Ltd., Swisher International, Tobacco Authority of Thailand, Vietnam National Tobacco, Gudang Garam, Djarum, Eastern Co. and China National Tobacco Corp. follow Swedish Match in the overall rankings.