New Graphic Health Warnings in Korea

Image: Ministry of Health and Welfare

South Korea will require cigarette manufacturers to print nine new graphic health warnings from Dec. 23, reports The Korea Herald.

The new warnings include images depicting lung cancer, oral cancer, heart disease and stroke. The current images of laryngeal cancer and sexual dysfunction will not be replaced as they are thought to be highly effective, officials said.

The changes are intended to boost effectiveness of the warning against smoking and tobacco use by replacing the existing warning pictures that had been used for too long, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Under the Enforcement Decree of the National Health Promotion Act, the warning images and messages on cigarette packs should change every two years. The current images had been displayed on the tobacco packs since Dec. 23, 2018.

Tobacco sales and smoking rate among adult males have steadily decreased since the installation of warning pictures and phrases on cigarette packs in 2016.

The ministry also plans to introduce standardized packaging in South Korea.