Study Shows Reduced Exposure HnB Products

Photo: Japan Tobacco

Japan Tobacco has announced the results of a clinical study that demonstrates a reduction in exposure to, and uptake of, selected harmful and potentially harmful constituents in healthy Japanese adult smokers who switched to four in-market heated-tobacco products, including Ploom TECH+ and Ploom S 2.0.

The study was conducted in consultation with a medical advisor, Yuji Kumagai, who is a professor at Kitasato Clinical Research Center.

These results strongly underpin the potential of heated-tobacco products, including Ploom TECH+ and Ploom S 2.0, to reduce the health risks associated with smoking.

“With this study, the JT Group contributes another small but meaningful piece to the jigsaw of scientific evidence on heated-tobacco products. Although further research is required, these results strongly underpin the potential of heated-tobacco products, including Ploom TECH+ and Ploom S 2.0, to reduce the health risks associated with smoking,” said Ian Jones, JTI vice president and R&D principal scientist, in a statement.

“We continue to conduct research to provide scientific evidence of the potential benefits of using our reduced-risk products. As we continue our studies, we will communicate our research data on our science website,,” said Jones.