Iro Schunke has been reelected as the president of Brazil’s Interstate Tobacco Industry Union, SindiTabaco. The election took place in early September at the organization’s head office in Santa Cruz do Sul.
Schunke, who has presided over SindiTabaco since 2006, intends to continue the organization’s work in defense of the tobacco supply chain during his upcoming tenure. “We consider all matters of common interest to our associate members, with an eye on strengthening the supply chain as a whole,” said Schunke in a statement. “Our major goals are the regulatory matters, social and environmental responsibility and visibility of the sector.”
Within this context, SindiTabaco has been keeping a close watch on all matters relating to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention for Tobacco Control and pioneered programs in the social and environmental areas. Among other initiatives, the organization has initiated programs to combat deforestation and collect empty pesticide containers. Meanwhile, the Growing Up Right Institute has worked diligently to eradicate child labor.
Furthermore, SindiTabaco encourages rural diversification through such initiatives as the corn, bean and pastureland after tobacco harvest program. “Our work is totally transparent, as this is the model that we are trying to strengthen,” said Schunke. We will continue guiding our activities in areas that impact upon the life of those who earn a livelihood from this agribusiness segment.”
Besides Schunke, the board of directors is composed of the following members: Edenir Gassen, secretariat vice president; Flavio Marques Goulart, finance vice president; Valmor Thesing, industrial affairs vice president; Roberto Naue, fiscal affairs vice president; Paulo Cezar Favero, tobacco production and quality vice president; and Guatimozin de Oliveira Santos Filho, vice president of environmental management and social responsibility.
The new board of directors will take office on Oct. 22.