• October 27, 2024

Lexaria Demonstrates Rapid Nicotine Delivery

 Lexaria Demonstrates Rapid Nicotine Delivery
Image: Zerbor

Lexaria Bioscience Corp.’s DehydraTECH nicotine pouch delivered nicotine up to 20 times faster than a generic nicotine benzoate pouch during a study conducted on dogs, the company reported.

 The analysis, conducted in collaboration with an independent testing laboratory, evaluated nicotine benzoate and polacrilex plasma levels in 40 anesthetized male beagle dogs, comparing Lexaria’s recently developed, advanced DehydraTECH 2.0 nicotine formulation to concentration-matched controls. The dogs’ blood samples were taken every few minutes over the course of two hours.

 “The results from the study showed that the generic nicotine benzoate pouch required about 45 minutes to reach its peak delivery rate. In comparison, the DehydraTECH-nicotine benzoate pouch reached peak delivery rates at both eight minutes and again at 30 minutes. It was further noted that in just four minutes after the pouch was placed in the mouth, the DehydraTECH-nicotine had reached a higher delivery level than the generic achieved at any point during the study,” reads a recent article.

 “Our technology was ten to twenty times faster in delivering comparable levels of nicotine into [the] bloodstream than the peak of the concentration-matched controls and went on to far exceed their total delivery, which should provide much greater consumer satisfaction,” said Chris Bunka, Lexaria CEO, in a statement.