Board Members Nominated at Stora Enso

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Stora Enso’s shareholders’ nomination board will propose nine board members at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) on March 15, according to a company press release.

The shareholders’ nomination board proposes that Hakan Buskhe, Elisabeth Fleuriot, Hock Goh, Helena Hedblom, Christiane Kuehne, Antti Makinen, Richard Nilsson and Hans Sohlstrom be reelected members of the board of directors until the end of the following AGM and that Kari Jordan be elected new member of the board of directors for the same term of office.

The shareholders’ nomination board proposes that Antti Makinen be elected chair and Hakan Buskhe be elected vice chair of the board of directors.

Mikko Helander announced that he is not available for reelection to the board of directors.