Philippine Vaping Bill Heads to President’s Desk

Photo: Oleksii

The Philippine House of Representatives and Senate have ratified a vaping bill that critics describe as too industry-friendly. The legislation will now be forwarded to President Rodrigo Duterte for his signature.

Among other provisions, the bill transfers regulatory powers from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and lowers the legal purchase and consumption age for vapor products from 21 to 18. The DTI is also in charge of setting technical standards for the safety, consistency and quality of these smoking alternatives.

Philippine College of Physicians (COP) President Maricar Blanco-Limpin said he was particularly concerned about the lower vaping age. “We have been telling all the legislators that making these more available at a younger age is making these e-cigarettes and heated-tobacco products more available to all, including the nonsmokers,” she told CNN Philippines.

Blanco-Limpin said vape products could lead to health concerns and the “mandate to protect the health of the country falls under the FDA, not the DTI.”

If the president signs the measure, Blanco-Limpin said the COP would consider all actions, including bringing the issue to the Supreme Court.