• October 23, 2024

Perceptions of Nicotine

 Perceptions of Nicotine
Photo: Chris Ferenzi Photography

Participants in “The Perceptions of Nicotine” panel during the GTNF 2022, held in Washington, D.C., in September, began the conversation by drawing comparisons to similar consumer products, most notably caffeine. Nicotine is found in tobacco leaves, but it’s also found, at lower levels, in plants, such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and sweet peppers. However, by far its predominant source is in tobacco leaves.

Caffeine can also be found in multiple food sources, including coffee beans, tea, cocoa beans, Kola nuts and guarana berries. The amount of caffeine in guarana berry seeds is about the same as the amount of nicotine in tobacco leaves, up to about 4 percent, according to a panelist. Unlike caffeine, however, nicotine is tied to tobacco. Nicotine is a public pariah while caffeine is socially acceptable. The panelist agreed that this is due to the differences in how the public has been educated on these products. Medical professionals, for example, get much of their information from medical societies, one panelist noted.

One challenge is that the public and even many medical specialists don’t distinguish between nicotine and smoking. “I think that’s part of the problem,” a speaker said. “How do we untangle that? Nicotine does not produce disease. It’s not carcinogenic. It does increase heart rate and blood pressure. And perhaps there are some positives … it’s a stimulant, it induces pleasure and it improves concentration, reaction time [and] performance on some tasks, but it can also reduce stress and anxiety.”

For consumers, when asked why they smoke, the most common answer is for enjoyment and pleasure; however, nicotine ranks low on the list of motivations. But when you ask a smoker, “Why do you find smoking difficult to quit?” the answer is “because I’m addicted—addicted to nicotine.” One panelist said when consumers want medical information, more than 70 percent say the first place they go is the internet. The misinformation is rampant, even from seemingly trustworthy sources.

“The first place that they turn for health-related information is the internet. More than 70 percent of people say that’s the first place they go when they’re looking for information … because it’s easy to use, and they find information that way,” a panelist said. “Just doing the quick search yesterday, you put in electronic cigarettes into the Google search engine, and the first thing you see is the Center[s for] Disease Control [and] Prevention website, which is great; it’s a government resource. The Office on Smoking and Health is the place within the federal government for information on health and smoking.

“But when you click on that link, the first thing you see is information on the EVALI [e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury] outbreak. The headline is [about an] outbreak of lung injuries from e-cigarettes and vaping products. That’s not the right way to help people understand the comparative risks between cigarettes and electronic cigarettes and nicotine-replacement therapy and other lower risk [nicotine] products.”

Many years ago, smoking and addiction were joined together, and that has now created the assumption in the public that nicotine use equals smoking, which equals addiction. It’s not helping people who smoke understand how they might be able to use the products that are available, including lower risk tobacco and nicotine-containing products as well as nicotine-replacement therapy, to quit smoking. Panelists agreed the misconception was doing more harm than good for public health.

The way vaping and tobacco products are regulated is also partly to blame, according to the panel. Tobacco companies are very limited in the amount of information they can provide on their products. Swedish Match, for example, was the first company to receive an authorization for a modified-risk tobacco product. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, severely restricted the ways in which Swedish Match could communicate the lower risk of its product to consumers.

“We got super excited internally. I mean, here we have a product, it had no carcinogens, no tar, no nitrosamines, significant risk reductions, and when we started looking at how and what we can communicate, it was incredibly limited … as we were going through our process, we had [tried] to figure out how to tell consumers this was different without telling them it was different,” explained a panelist representing Swedish Match. “It was very challenging. We were trying to figure out how to use different colors and different cues. It was a brand-new category, so we’re trying to educate people on a brand-new category with a can, and you didn’t even know what was in it …. It was incredibly difficult to try to do that.”

Swedish Match also gathered customer testimonials, but regulations kept the company from doing anything with them. Another panelist explained that consumers do not separate nicotine from tobacco. Nearly 80 percent of the population agree that those are virtually the same. When asked to compare the risks of products, people list tobacco as the most harmful, followed closely by nicotine and then alcohol.

Caffeine, however, is on the other end of the scale. “Caffeine is on a totally different end of the spectrum. Interestingly, when we think about where the market is moving and things are moving relative to legality, you look at CBD, look at THC, [and caffeine] is more closely associated from a harm perspective to CBD and THC,” a speaker said. “In terms of addictiveness, 96 percent of U.S. consumers would say that nicotine is addictive. Only 76 percent say that caffeine is addictive. But then, you look at harmfulness to health. You can see this wide gap that exists in terms of … the core chemical, 89 percent versus 46 percent in terms of harmfulness to health [nicotine versus caffeine].”

The panelists argued that people who smoke combustible cigarettes are less likely to try less harmful products if they perceive those products to be no different than what they’re currently using in terms of harm. There’s very little motivation for them to try them. There is also very little the industry can do to reverse the misinformation surrounding nicotine.

“The industry’s hands are tied with regard to the voice that the industry can have. But I think the role that the industry can play in it is to continue to develop high-quality, lower risk products that are acceptable alternatives for cigarettes for people who smoked cigarettes, and then get those through the regulatory process,” a panelist said. “It’s up to the FDA to communicate to consumers that there are less risky products to consume nicotine.”