The Royal College of Pediatricians and Child Health (RCPCH) has called for a ban on disposable e-cigarettes, stating that vapor products can be just as addictive as traditional cigarettes, according to Metro.
“Since e-cigarettes have only been on sale in the U.K. since 2007, long-term studies don’t yet exist,” the RCPCH said. “We have even less evidence on the long-term impacts of these products on young lungs, hearts and brains.
“It took experts decades to fully understand the impact of traditional cigarettes; we cannot risk our children’s health in waiting this long again for longer term studies.”
Action on Smoking and Health data shows that there has been a 50 percent increase in U.K. kids trying vaping over the last year and a rise in experimental vaping among 11-year-olds to 17-year-olds.
“Without a doubt, disposable e-cigarettes should be banned,” said Mike McKean, a doctor. “There is absolutely no reason that these cheap, readily available, brightly colored, recreational products should be single use.
“Westminster’s approach to this problem is out of step with even our closest neighbors, with countries such as Scotland, France, Germany and Ireland all seriously considering a ban.”
In response to the RCPCH’s call, the U.K. Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) stated that while youth vaping needs to be addressed, banning disposables is not the answer.
“There is no doubt that strong, targeted action directed at those illegally selling vape products to children is the way forward,” said John Dunne, director general of the UKVIA, in a statement. “Vitally, any youth prevention measures cannot be to the detriment of adult smokers looking to quit through vaping and vapers who want to avoid a return to smoking.”