• May 1, 2024

Plain packaging this ain’t

Three graphic steps to a new holder.
Three graphic steps to a new holder.

U.K.-based Smoke Screenz Ltd. has launched a retail website that provides consumers with the opportunity to create personal designs for plastic cigarette-pack holders and then to buy those holders.

At www.smoke-screenz.com, consumers can overlay full-color graphics and text onto a durable, lightweight, high-quality, hard plastic holder that will accept a regular king-sized pack of 20 cigarettes.

The holders are so designed that the lid of the cigarette pack opens automatically when the holder is opened.

There are two design options. One that repeats the design created for the front of the holder on the back, while the other allows a smoker to design all six sides.

The king-sized holders can double as business-card containers.

Holders to accommodate other sizes of cigarette packs are planned for the future.

“If you can personalize your mobile phone case, your iPad cover, your car, your body and virtually everything else—why not your cigarette case?” said Smoke Screenz Director Ian Lowe.

“With ever increasing regulations being placed on society, we are pleased to be able to offer the smoking community around the world the opportunity to ‘stand out from the crowd.’”