PMI reports progress in program of tackling tobacco-farm labor abuses

Philip Morris International yesterday released its second progress report on implementation of the company’s Agricultural Labor Practices program (ALP).

The program aims progressively to eliminate child labor and other labor abuses on the 490,000 farms (the vast majority of which are small-holder farms) where PMI buys tobacco worldwide.

“With our ALP program, we have implemented an operating culture and practices code that allows us to address this complex matter in a determined, systematic and effective manner,” said PMI’s CEO André Calantzopoulos.

“We are mindful that certain behaviors are deeply ingrained in the economic, socio-political and cultural fabric of many tobacco-growing countries and that we cannot be successful alone.

“We combine our own hard work and perseverance with strong engagement with governments and local communities, as well as partnerships with nonprofit organizations specialized in this field and the internationally renowned expert Verité.

“We all know this is a long-term journey but are pleased with the results already achieved.”

The progress report is at