Sporting chance of Tokyo smoking ban

Some people within the Tokyo government are pushing for a tobacco smoking ban in line with those in force in some western nations, according to a PRESS TV story.

Such a ban was attempted in Yokohama but failed due to strong business opposition.

However, some people believe the time is now right and there are a number of factors that are working in their favor.

Smoking in Japan has been in long-term decline and now 63 percent of the Japanese population is said to favor a ban.

In addition, Japan is due to host the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Some people point also at the Japanese government’s direct interest – or lack of it – in Japan Tobacco Inc. Its shareholding has been reduced gradually over the years, most recently to just over 50 percent in 2004 and to about 33 percent in March 2013.

But it is by no means certain that such a reduced shareholding would be linked in inverse proportion to the imposition of anti-tobacco policies.