FDA seminar on ENDS

The US Food and Drug Administration is due to hold a ‘science information seminar’: The premarket tobacco product application for ENDs.

The seminar is scheduled to take place on October 17-18 in Hyattsville, Maryland, while registration is required by October 6.

The agency says that the seminar is designed to help scientists and non-scientists alike understand the general scientific principles and terminology related to electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), including the scientific terms used in the draft guidance for ENDS premarket tobacco product applications for submission to FDA.

‘The session will address the information needed for a new tobacco product application, as well as the basic administrative processes for submitting these applications,’ an FDA notification said.

More details are available at: http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/NewsEvents/ucm517650.htm?source=govdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery