Poised to ban smoking

Tunisians will not be able to smoke tobacco in public places for much longer if the Health Minister Samira Merai has his way, according to a story in The Middle East Monitor.

The Monitor report said that a new tobacco-control bill was due to be proposed at a ministerial council that will take place ‘in the next few days’.

The bill would include a smoking ban in public places and a limit on tobacco advertising.

The incidence of smoking among Tunisia’s male population is estimated at 50 percent, a rate that is considered ‘very high’ within the Middle East and North Africa region.

And, according to the World Health Organization, that incidence is likely to increase during the next 10 years.

Habib Ghedira, who is said to be responsible for implementing the new strategy, drawn up jointly by the ministry of health and the WHO, said the smoking incidence has not declined despite the ministry’s efforts.

“The prevalence of smoking remains very high among students – 20 percent,” Ghedira was quoted as saying. “That is why a national participatory tobacco control strategy has been put in place.”

Ghedira said the new strategy essentially planned to detoxify public places, including ministries, hospitals and schools. The objective, he said, was to guarantee the right of non-smokers not to be affected by smokers.