Suck it and see

US federal officials considering new regulations on tobacco products should give more weight to the fact that a majority of smokers are unhappy about feeling addicted to cigarettes, and should put less emphasis on the theory that smokers who quit are losing ‘pleasure’ in their lives, according to a recent study by the School of Public Health at Georgia State University (GSU), the US.

Researchers at the school’s Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS) analyzed data from 1,284 adult smokers in the US and found more than 80 percent expressed discontent about their inability to quit, felt they were addicted to cigarettes and regretted they started smoking.

A note on the GSU website said the Food and Drug Administration was required to perform an economic cost-benefit analysis of proposed regulations.

‘The agency has included a measure of the “lost pleasure” of smoking in its analysis of regulations on cigarettes, such as proposals to require visually graphic warning labels similar to those required in many other countries,’ the note said.

‘Some researchers have questioned whether smokers enjoy the habit and whether a focus on “lost pleasure” overstates the economic burden on smokers of regulations designed to encourage them to quit and to prevent others from taking up the habit.

‘Results of the study are published in an article titled Reassessing the importance of ‘lost pleasure’ associated with smoking cessation: Implications for social welfare and policy, in the journal Tobacco Control.’

The study is at: