Setting an example

Indonesia’s minister of health, Nila Moeloek, has barred teachers from smoking in schools, reports Tempo.

Nila said that nonsmoking teachers might prevent tobacco use among children by setting an example.

While the country’s smoking prevalence has been stable at 33.8 percent in recent years, the number of smokers aged 10-18 increased from 7.2 percent in 2013 to 9.1 percent in 2018, according to Riskesdas.

The ministry of health attributes the increase in underage smoking to cigarette advertising, which faces fewer restrictions in Indonesia than it does in many other countries.

“We conducted a study to find out why [the rate increases]; one of them is due to advertisements or sponsors that (is) easily visible on social media,” the minister explained.

She added that her ministry had collaborated with the ministry of communication and information in blocking cigarette ads on the internet and are still continuing the effort.