• September 7, 2024

UN Global Compact Asked to Expel ECLT

 UN Global Compact Asked to Expel ECLT
Photo: Lewis Tse Pui Lung

STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, has sent a letter to the United Nations asking the organization to remove the Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco-Growing (ECLT) foundation as a participant in the U.N. Global Compact.

“We, the undersigned civil society representatives,” the letter reads, “request that the Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco-Growing Foundation (ECLT) be removed as a participant to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), in accordance with U.N. policies, including UNGC’s 2017 policy update, the Model Policy for Agencies of the United Nations System on Preventing Tobacco Industry Interference (Model Policy), and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs), which embody the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). ECLT has undeniable ties with the tobacco industry and has failed in its stated objective of ending child labor in tobacco—a problem directly linked to the exploitative business practices of its funders and members.”

STOP cites the ECLT’s connection to tobacco manufacturers and producers as the main reason it should be removed from the UNGC. According to STOP, the tobacco industry’s interest are irreconcilable with the interest of human rights and sustainable development goals and are antithetical to the UNGC’s mission.

“We urge UNGC to act according to its mandate, practice good governance and align its policies with those of U.N. agencies, international bodies and member states that accord with WHO FCTC Article 5.3 and work to protect policy, health and development objectives by rejecting partnerships and interactions with the tobacco industry and its allies. End ECLT’s participation in UNGC,” the authors write.