Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Unfairtobacco released a joint report detailing how they believe the industry harms children. Titled Protecting Children From the Tobacco Industry, the report also explains how advocates can use global human rights standards and tools against the tobacco industry.
“Our children deserve to grow up in a world free from the damage, disease and death caused by the tobacco industry,” said Laurent Huber, executive director of ASH, in a statement.
“Every day, tobacco companies are violating children’s right to health, right to a healthy environment and right to be free from racial discrimination. Governments have a duty to protect those basic human rights, and we will stand together with our partners to ensure all children’s rights are upheld.”
According to the report’s authors, human rights mechanisms, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, can help protect children and youth from the tobacco industry.
“Human rights mechanisms are a tool to protect children from the harms of the tobacco industry, including health and environmental damages. Public health advocates can and should use these mechanisms to fight for a healthier world for our children,” said ASH Managing Attorney Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy.